Here are goji berry nutrition facts for 28 grams of dried goji berries (5 tablespoons):
- About 100 calories, 0 grams fat, 3 grams fiber, 13 grams sugar, 4 grams protein
- 7510 IU vitamin A (about 134 percent DV)
- 14 milligrams of vitamin C (about 25 percent DV)
- 12 milligrams iron (about 10 percent DV)
- 18 amino acids (11 of which are essential)
- 5 sources of healthy, unsaturated fatty acids, including alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid
- Phytochemicals, including beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, lycopene, cryptoxanthin, lutein and polysaccharides

Why Our Berries are USDA Organic
Because we deal directly with the farmers and support their families, Rubygoji is very clear regarding the quality of each lot of berries that goes into each bag.
To better meet the growing demand of consumers in the U.S., Rubygoji Group worked with agricultural experts to guide the Ningxia Goji Berry Farmer’s Union in the process of planting their crop to meet the USDA organic standard.
With these new techniques, the farmers were able to produce pristine crops to meet the exacting standards of today’s consumers.
Machine Dried, Not Sun Dried
Our goji berries go through a machine drying process rather than being sun dried. This is to ensure the cleanliness and lack of contaminants entering the fruit.
Machine drying is actually a more lengthy and expensive process but the health and safety of our customers is more important to us as a company.